
Hawker Street Reserve

Hawker Street Reserve

Hawker Lake is part of the Hawker St Reserve although the reserve is actually bordered by Cascade Close and Reflection Mews. In recent history, the Lake and surrounding area was a Marshy wetland for many years until the late 80’s when it was dredged and cleaned up to create a new housing development.

The dredged out soil was distributed around the lake and the surrounding  houses were built on top of it. If you dig down in the soil less than a meter you hit a very hard layer that often needs to be broken through when planting new trees and shrubs to ensure that the  roots can get through and not cause the plants growth to be stunted. Some residents have reported digging up shoal (old shells) in the sand when digging in their gardens. A recently as the 1800’s the whole area was actually a port (Peel Harbour) used for timber shipping. More information about that on the History Page. The water table is only half a meter down which helps to ensure that the area is usually green.

The Lake is now a great source of enjoyment for many people who walk its paths and use the surrounding park lands. It is also an ecosystem supporting a great variety of wildlife and native plants. More on the wildlife, plants  & history can be found in the other pages.

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